The new review discussing art, conceived and directed by Giacinto Di Pietrantonio, has its own on-line version thanks to the collaboration of UnDo.Net, who have planned an interactive version of the review, because art, just like life, cannot be taken in at first glance.

"We would like to mix up all the contributions in "Perché/?" In fact we'd like to give users the possibility to do it ...move characters from one conversation to another thereby taking all their words with them "fitting" them into the new context; a game of practically infinite combinations, a continuous photomontage the result of which is not truth, but a way of highlighting the characters and the "poetics" which the author is able to express, his reactions and statements...

Everything becomes indefinite once again: the words have been transposed into an interactive system with which we can play as if were a sampler with lines from different songs mixed together : the questions will be follwed by answers to different questions, reactions and statements are tied in an infinite game of combinations in whiceverything is mixed and confused and produces a new meaning.

The result are dialogues which have never taken place but which appera to be real. It could well be true that artists do not want to listen to others...they are more willing to talk about their work just as critics want to discuss their latest obsession...

UnDo.Net for Perché/?